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How to Use the SUCCEED® FBT

The SUCCEED Equine Fecal Blood Test tells you what you need to know, on the spot. Results are available in 15 minutes at the most, but generally less.
  • No expensive equipment and no hauling.
  • No tricky, time-consuming or invasive procedures.
  • No waiting hours or even days for results.
By testing with the FBT, you can monitor the digestive health of your clients’ horses, catch problems you might otherwise have trouble identifying, and make more informed decisions regarding further diagnostics and treatments.

Simple, Step-by-Step Instructions for Use

  1. Collect a fresh (less than 30 minutes old) fecal sample from the subject horse, loosely dropping fecal matter into the provided plastic container up to the Sample Fill Line.
  2. Add clean tap water (potable, room temperature), filling to the Water Fill Line on the container.
    1. We often recommend using bottled water for best results, especially if the location has well water.
  3. Replace lid on container and shake thoroughly to ensure complete mixing.
  4. Use the provided pipette to collect some of the fecal/water mixture from the container, avoiding particles.
  5. Apply two drops of solution to each of the two sample wells on the test cassette.
  6. Test results should appear within 15 minutes.

How to Know the FBT is Working

The dual cassette includes two red, horizontal line indicators each for Test A and Test H. The first is a control line that shows the test is working; this should appear every time you run the test. The second is the test line, which only appears if the test is positive. The FBT is sensitive to heat and must be refrigerated when not in use. Be sure to read and follow the storage and handling instructions to ensure the FBT will work properly.

Reading the FBT Results

While the test itself is easy to use, understanding what to do with the results in light of a full diagnostic work-up requires the skills and knowledge of a trained and certified veterinarian.
  • If a solid line appears only at the CTL point (Control line) on either Test A or Test H, this is a negative result.
  • If a complete, solid line appears at the TST point (Test line) on either or both Test A and Test H, that is a positive test result.

A solid line of any shade represents a positive result.

The potential combinations of positive and/or negative results for the blood components albumin (Test A) and hemoglobin (Test H) can indicate issues in the foregut, hindgut, or both, and may provide some indication of the severity of the source of bleeding. This information may be used to provide objective insight into the full evaluation provided by veterinarians.

When to Test With the SUCCEED® FBT

Consider testing horses with the SUCCEED Equine Fecal Blood Test:
Most horses today are susceptible to gastrointestinal problems thanks to how we manage and use them. Any horse that is ridden regularly, travels, and competes should be tested. Any horse with a lifestyle that includes even one of these elements should be tested: fed concentrated feeds in any amount, fed 2-3 times a day, is turned out less than 18 hours a day, or doesn’t have constant access to quality grass or hay. Any horse used in a breeding program should be tested.
Most horses today are susceptible to gastrointestinal problems thanks to how we manage and use them. Any horse that is ridden regularly, travels, and competes should be tested. Any horse with a lifestyle that includes even one of these elements should be tested: fed concentrated feeds in any amount, fed 2-3 times a day, is turned out less than 18 hours a day, or doesn’t have constant access to quality grass or hay. Any horse used in a breeding program should be tested.
If a horse is showing clinical signs of digestive problems such as inappetance, weight loss, diarrhea, and poor coat and body condition—test. Before resorting to costly and invasive procedures, the SUCCEED FBT can provide an initial directional screener to detect and differentiate injury in the fore- and hindgut. Use the FBT at the beginning of a work-up to guide further diagnostic methods such as gastroscopy, CBC, ultrasound and others. Additionally, it is the only tool available to reliably detect injury in the hindgut.
Horses recovering from colic surgery, particularly a colonic resection, may be prone to bleeding in the digestive tract at the site of the surgery. Positive SUCCEED FBT results (both test A and H) over the course of the days following surgery may indicate such internal bleeding.
Horses who tested positive with the SUCCEED FBT and, as a result, were prescribed a particular treatment protocol, should continue to be periodically tested to assess recovery. Over time, the positive FBT results should give way to negative results if the prescribed treatment is effective, assuming no new GI tract injury or disease.
Evaluating a horse’s health and soundness can be useful to a prospective buyer and seller of a horse prior to its sale. Knowing the status of the horse’s GI health can be a beneficial aspect of this fact-finding mission.

When Not to Test With the SUCCEED® FBT

The SUCCEED Equine Fecal Blood Test uses equine-specific antibodies to detect components of blood in a fresh fecal sample. Always keep in mind that blood may be introduced into the horse’s digestive tract from external sources, and test accordingly.

Even a small amount of bleeding caused by floating a horse’s teeth, or any lesions around the horse’s mouth can lead to a positive FBT result. You should avoid using the FBT for 3 days following dental work and be sure that the horse’s mouth and gums are free of lacerations or sores.
Exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhaging (EIPH) is most frequently reported in competition horses, presenting as blood in the airways 30-90 minutes after exercise. The resulting epistaxis is the main symptom of EIPH but is not always essential for diagnosis, as endoscopic examination may identify bleeding limited to the trachea and bronchi. EIPH is likely to contribute towards a positive FBT from ingested blood, so the clinical history and an awareness of the horse’s competitive activities is imperative. Regardless, it is always wise to avoid testing within 24 hours of racing or strenuous activity to avoid a false-positive for GI conditions.
Avoid testing a mare during ovulation, or on/around day five of a typical estrous cycle. Since the follicle in the mare normally fills with blood after ovulation, this blood can potentially interfere with the results of the FBT. Be sure to ask the horse owner when the mare was last in season. When testing during the breeding season ensure that this takes place during diestrus.
Any type of invasive procedure, from routine endoscopy and biopsy, to GI tract surgery can cause bleeding within the digestive tract. This blood would very likely be detected by the FBT leading to a positive result, so gathering recent medical history prior to performing the test is essential.

Ask Us About a Free Trial

Interested in better alternatives for equine GI diagnostics? Request a free trial of the SUCCEED FBT by setting up a quick minute meeting with our Regional Manager, Courtney Brockmueller.

How to Purchase the SUCCEED® FBT

The SUCCEED FBT is available for purchase through your veterinary supply distributor.

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