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White Paper: ​​Equine Gut Health and Surgery

Achieve and Maintain GI Health in Horses Pre- and Post-Surgery.

For any patient undergoing surgery, there’s a great deal of stress to cope with before and after the procedure. A peri-surgical or recovering horse may feel stressed due to pain, analgesics, transport, dietary alterations, anesthetics and antibiotics, among a number of other contributing factors. The more severe the surgery, the greater the impact on GI health and the more challenging the effort required to restore a healthy GI tract.

So what can be done to optimize the digestive health of a horse requiring surgery? We have compiled extensive research-based evidence to propose solutions you may find helpful for your practice.

Achieving and maintaining a high nutritional plane with a high-functioning gut microbiota of the clients’ horses may be the biggest challenge, but it is also one that can be rewarding for both the vet and the client. Increasingly, the practitioner’s business is shifting to one of prevention and not solely one of treatment.

This white paper discusses some of the things that can be done to improve post-surgical outcomes and recovery of the surgical horse, focusing on the GI tract. It explores:

  • Factors contributing to stress in the peri-surgical horse
  • Strategies for supporting GI health in the surgical horse
  • The long road to recovery

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Move your practice forward with two helpful tools to diagnose and manage GI pathologies in your clients’ horses.